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叛徒犹大 Judas 133播放 超清



《叛徒犹大 Judas》超清,高清电影在线观看,迅雷下载,影片由查尔斯·罗伯特·卡纳执行导演,乔纳森·斯卡奇,提姆·麦锡森,艾略特·利维,乔纳森·斯卡弗,罗里·金尼尔,欧文·蒂尔等参与制作的美国剧情片。该电影于2004年上映,由bt电影天堂收集整理发布。Judas meets Jesus and at first doesn't know what to make of him or whether or not to trust him. A cynical city boy, Judas makes fun of the country bumpkin disciples who follow Jesus but eventually decides to join the band, as well. He and Jesus become good friends, even though they often see things very differently. Ultimately, Judas is convinced that Jesus needs to use his popularity and wonder-working powers to free the Jews from the Romans, and Jesus sees a larger, spritual perspective. As a friend, Judas convinces Jesus to give his disciples his miraculous powers, and he does with good results. Finally, the Jewish leaders spy on Judas and convince him of the greater good of betraying Jesus, in order to save the Jewish people. Judas gets caught between the corrupt leaders, Caiaphus and Pontius Pilate, and Jesus.


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