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纳粹秘辛第1季 132播放 已完结



《纳粹秘辛第1季》已完结,高清在线观看,迅雷下载,影片由执行导演,Allan Corduner,Adolf Hitler,Timothy Ryback等参与制作的美国记录。该于2011年上映,由bt电影天堂收集整理发布。

  This powerful series delves into the Nazi regime’s “Last Secrets” with interviews of the remaining survivors of the Third Reich as well as contemporary experts. Featuring previously inaccessible archives and new documents, it concentrates on aspects of the period that were neglected in the past and alters the way we see the Third Reich. Produced under the supervision of Guido Knopp and the ZDF Contemporary History Dept., the series exposes previously unknown inner workings of Hitler’s regime. Did Hitler fear he had Jewish blood? What did his architect Albert Speer really know about the Holocaust? Was “Desert Fox” General Rommel involved in the Hitler assassination plot of 20 July 1944? And what was Himmler’s actual role in the mass murder of Jews?
  The program is also known under the title “Nazi Underworld.”


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