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鬼头大兵 638播放 HD



《鬼头大兵》HD,高清电影在线观看,迅雷下载,影片由乔纳森·林恩执行导演,史蒂夫·马丁,丹·艾克罗伊德,菲尔·哈特曼,格伦妮·海德利等参与制作的美国喜剧片。该电影于1996年上映,由bt电影天堂收集整理发布。This movie is a remake of the hit series which starred, Phil Silvers as Sgt. Bilko. In this movie, Bilko tuns the motor pool and has all sorts of scams going on like gambling, renting out military vehicles, and so on, which are all violations. However, his commanding officer, Colonel Hall overlooks them, cause he is more concerned about his future, cause a lot of bases are being closed, and the inspector, Major Thorn was on the verge of doing that. But when he heard that Bilko was on the base, he turned into a mad dog. It seems that Thorn was a "thorn" in Bilko's side many years ago but through a series of misunderstandings, Thorn was accused of carrying out or being the brains behind one of Bilko's schemes, he would be sent to Greenland and his career has not gone as he hoped it would and now wants revenge on Bilko.


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